marți, 4 iulie 2017

”The wheel of Seasons”-proiect eTwinning 2016-2017

This year, the children of the small group, Smurfs, were involved in the eTwinning project "The wheel of Seasons", with the participation of children and teachers from kindergartens / schools of Italy, Greece, Spain, the Czech Republic, Turkey and Romania. The project aims to make a virtual journey through the four seasons, by engaging all the senses, by knowing traditions, legends, stories, songs, dances, games, country-specific poems. The purpose of the project was to discover the marvelous and miraculous experience of the four seasons by engaging the five senses. In addition, the project aimed to improve children's communication skills in their mother tongue and in a foreign language. Project activities have been scheduled to take place over the four seasons, activities and products for each season are organized, online meetings are organized via Skype, etc. Through heuristic methods, children have been helped to ask questions and formulate responses, which has helped them to stimulate the desire to know and to experience. All of these activities were recorded in a joint online journal that represents the final product of the project. The journal is divided into four chapters, one for each season, and each chapter records the activities performed by the children. After each season the children voted online, their favorite activity. The great benefit of this project has been working in a team that works and has fun together. The children watched all the project partners' materials throughout the project, so they had the opportunity to get to know many children and teachers in Europe, concerned about the themes and the program of the project.

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