marți, 21 iunie 2016

Benefits of eTwinning Projects

Projects eTwinning is a fun, involving way to learn and further develop your skills and knowledge of the English language; as well as to collaborate with other students of your age group, that may come from a different country. It developed our teamwork, translation, and computer skills, as well as stimulating my imagination. It increased our English vocabulary; as well as my general knowledge and understanding of the English language. It motivated and encouraged my self and my children to learn languages. The relationship between me as a teacher and my children involved in the eTwinning projects have become better, children are more enthusiastic and willing to do the work, to study new things and get information direct from their partners. They become more open in communication with me, which has broken down the traditional roles of teacher and pupil. eTwinning activities are more enjoyable and relaxed than other activites, with two-way communication and discussion as a group.

vineri, 17 iunie 2016

Before and after MOOC

BEFORE I knew  that joining eTwinning provides great satisfaction, as it enables motivation. eTwinning is a source of innovation, and inspiration, a platform for communication and collaboration and a playground for exploration and experimentation.

AFTER I have discovered a world with an  important dimension:  eTwinning  is fun. Furthermore, eTwinning provides the right context for teachers to become familiar with the subject matter they have to address in class: while pupils are familiar with technologies, they still need guidance on how to manage their online presence. eTwinning is the ideal platform to stage this type of learning.

Thanks to all persons that I have met, virtualy, at this course! I have learned a lot from all of you!
I hope to meet again as possible partners, through future eTwinning projects!

I am very proud to have a badge!

marți, 7 iunie 2016

Week 3 -Unit 3.Project design!

Hello! This is my project idea- work together for an year! Share experiences, communicate and collaborate...realize an on-line diary!